No Matches
Compiler Differences

While developing this library I experienced some differences between compilers (i.e. ifort and gfortran). Not in terms of performances, which is kind of expected, but in terms of implementation of some modern Fortran features. The benchmark.f library uses some dark corner of the Fortran language to get some kind of generic programming. As a consequence, it seams that different compilers have various interpretation of these edge cases in the standard. The developers of the f18 fortran compiler already compiled a list of features that, even-though standard-conformant, are not portable due to different interpretation of the standard. Some of the code used here is part of this list and I will do my best to provide workaround to make it work on both tested compilers.

Implicit procedure pointer

Since Fortran 2003, it is possible to declare procedure pointers as function argument. The declaration is usually something like this

procedure(interface), intent(in) :: ptr

It is also possible to omit the interface in the procedure declaration statement. procedure() with no type or interface name is supposed to work as a dummy procedure or procedure pointer that can handle either a function or a subroutine, so long as it isn't referenced. Many compilers assume that it means a subroutine, or just can't deal with it. gfortran is one of them.

While this works fine with ifort, gfortran does not accept the use of functions as argument. Therefore, when using gfortran, you are limited to benchmarking subroutines.

Associate and unlimited polymorphism

Procedure arguments are stored for later use as unlimited polymorphic variables (class(*)). When used in combination with the associate construct ifort and gfortran behave differently.

While ifort is capable of implicitly casting the variable into the desired type, gfortran doesn't and there one is forced to use the select type construct.

For instance, one can try this simple function call:

class(*), intent(in) :: a1
associate(arg1 => a1)
call func(arg1)
end associate

with the function

subroutine func(n)
integer, intent(in) :: n
print*, n
end subroutine

The argument n is the desired integer value when the code is compiled with ifort, while gfortran returns a random value(maybe the address of the variable?)

Writing namelist to internal file

gfortran does not support writing namelist to internal files. As such the option is only available when compiled with ifort. Preprocessor macros and conditional compilation are used to provide this option to ifort

subroutine benchmark_serialize_to_string(this, str)
class(runner), intent(in), target :: this
character(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: str
type(runner), pointer :: bench => null()
namelist / config / bench
allocate(character(100) :: str)
bench => this
write(str, nml=config)
str = trim(str)
end subroutine


Here is an example that illustrate how the same benchmark can be written for both compilers:

The test program is the same, irrespective of the compiler used.

#include <benchmark.inc>
program poisson
use rhofunc
use benchmark_library
implicit none
type(runner) :: br
benchmark(br, run(1.0d-6, 30, poisson_optimized))
end block
end program


pure subroutine poisson_optimized(treshold, m)
class(*), intent(in) :: treshold
class(*), intent(in) :: m
cast(treshold, real(rp))
cast(m, integer)
integer :: i,j, iter
real(rp) :: delta, phiprime(m,m), phi(m,m), a2, rhoarr(m,m)
real(rp), parameter :: quart = 0.25_rp
delta = 1.0_rp
iter = 0
phiprime(:,:) = 0.0_rp
phi(:,:) = 0.0_rp
do i=1, m
do j=1, m
rhoarr(i,j) = rho(i*a,j*a)
end do
end do
do while (delta > treshold )
iter = iter + 1
a2 = a**2
do i=2, m-1
do j=2, m-1
phiprime(i,j) = (phi(i+1,j) + phi(i-1,j) + phi(i,j+1) + phi(i,j-1))*quart &
+ a2*quart/epsilon0*rhoarr(i,j)
end do
end do
delta = maxval(abs(phiprime - phi))
phi = phiprime
end do
end block
end subroutine
pure real(rp) function rho(x,y)
real(rp), intent(in) :: x,y
if (x > 0.6_rp .and. x < 0.8_rp .and. y > 0.6_rp .and. y < 0.8_rp) then
rho = 1.0_rp
else if (x > 0.2_rp .and. x < 0.4_rp .and. y > 0.2_rp .and. y < 0.4_rp) then
rho = -1.0_rp
rho = 0.0_rp
end if
end function


pure subroutine poisson_optimized(treshold, m)
real(rp), intent(in) :: treshold
integer, intent(in) :: m
integer :: i,j, iter
real(rp) :: delta, phiprime(m,m), phi(m,m), a2, rhoarr(m,m)
real(rp), parameter :: quart = 0.25_rp
delta = 1.0_rp
iter = 0
phiprime(:,:) = 0.0_rp
phi(:,:) = 0.0_rp
do i=1, m
do j=1, m
rhoarr(i,j) = rho(i*a,j*a)
end do
end do
do while (delta > treshold )
iter = iter + 1
a2 = a**2
do i=2, m-1
do j=2, m-1
phiprime(i,j) = (phi(i+1,j) + phi(i-1,j) + phi(i,j+1) + phi(i,j-1))*quart &
+ a2*quart/epsilon0*rhoarr(i,j)
end do
end do
delta = maxval(abs(phiprime - phi))
phi = phiprime
end do
end subroutine
pure real(rp) function rho(x,y)
real(rp), intent(in) :: x,y
if (x > 0.6_rp .and. x < 0.8_rp .and. y > 0.6_rp .and. y < 0.8_rp) then
rho = 1.0_rp
else if (x > 0.2_rp .and. x < 0.4_rp .and. y > 0.2_rp .and. y < 0.4_rp) then
rho = -1.0_rp
rho = 0.0_rp
end if
end function